SK-52; Vibhishana’s advice to Ravana against killing of Hanuman

I bow down to V almiki Who is a cuckoo and Who climbs over a poetic tree and cooing 
"Rama! Rama! in a sweet melodious tone. "0 the messenger of Rama! O Hanuman! O Accomplisher 
of un-accomlishable! Tell me, what is there for you that cannot be achieved? O Ocean of 
Compassion! Grace me to accomplish my endevor. 
SK-52: Vibhishana's advice to Ravana against killing of 
Hearing the harsh words Of Hanuman, Ravana orders him to be killed. 
Vibhishana, however, advises Ravana to desist from the dastardly act, pointing out 
that the killing Of an envoy is forbidden according to religious scriptures. 
: I I ft-HR—? 
l. shrutvaa = hearing; tat vachanam = those words; taSya vaanaraSya = Of that Hanuma; 
mahaatmanaH the high-souled One; raavaNaH Ravana;kr0dhamuurchhitaH excited with 
anger; aajJNaapayat = ordered; vadham = for the killing; tasya = of Hanuma. 

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